The video below will cover how to create invoices and use fill levels as well as some other basic details to help you get started

0:00 INTRO
0:55 Scheduled Appointments
1:50 Start/Review Customer & Appointment

3:50 Start a new Invoice with Fill List
7:47 Add additional item not on Fill List
9:47 Save New Fill Levels
10:55 Pull Sheet
11:55 Distribution List
12:30 Complete the invoice
13:50 Edit Contact Info
15:22 Receive Payment

16:45 Invoice for New customer
18:05 Create New Cabinet
20:50 Build a fill with a template from Multi Item form
25:35 Save entire cabinet Fill Levels
26:50 save individual items fill level
27:45 Build a fill with a template from single item form

30:55 VOID
31:00 Quote
32:00 Add new contact

33:10 Service by Customer instead of Schedule

34:10 End of Day process (EOD)

35:35 Setting My Preferences
36:53 Inventory review
37:10 Reports
37:20 Manual Synchronize and review
38:00 Stop Time Clock

  1. Open First Aid Trakker
  2. Tap Customers
  3. Search for customer by:
    • Scrolling through the list
    • Typing part of the name in the search field and hitting the Search Button
    • Typing the account number switched the Name button to Account Number and hitting the Search Button
  4. Tap the desired customer
  5. Tap Invoices
  6. Tap + Add Order/Invoice
  7. Tap + Add Item
  8. Select the cabinet by tapping the Select Equipment drop down
  9. If the desired item is not found click Add/Edit/view Equipment List
  10. This is the list of cabinets.  They can be reviewed, edited, or marked inactive (to delete) here
    • To add a new one click + Add Cabinet
    • Fill in Name, location, approx. date of install, and any notes at the bottom
    • Tap Save
  11. To Edit an existing
    • Tap the desired cabinet
    • make any changes
    • Tap Save
  12. To Delete a Cabinet (make it inactive)
    • Tap the desired cabinet
    • scroll down to the checkbox at the bottom
    • check the checkbox
    • Tap Save
  13. Tab <- return to selecting the equipment/fixture/cabinet to work on or fill
  14. Find the desired cabinet from the Select Cabinet drop down list and tap it.
  15. Tap Continue Single item -> or Continue Multi Item
    1. NOTE: If the cabinet has a Fill List defined, then either option below will open the Fill List Form
  16. Continue Single item
    1. In the red CODE box type the product code OR hit find to look it up and fill it in
    2. Alter the quantity if needed (+ and – will add or subtract 1 at at time)
    3. Tap +Add More to add additional items repeat 1 & 2 until last item added then proceed to # 11
  17. Continue Multi Item
    1. search through or scroll and find the desired items
    2. tap each one.  It will be added to the right hand side
    3. the qty for each can be altered by hitting +/- next to it
    4. repeat until all items have been added
  18. Fill List defined for Cabinet
    • The list on the left are the items and fill levels for this cabinet
    • Tap an item and it will add 1 of that item to the “Selected” list on the right
      • To increase the qty, tap the item on the left again, or hit the +/- buttons on the selected item on the RIGHT side
      • To REMOVE, just make the Quantity 0
    • Repeat for each item needed from the left
    • To add an item NOT on the Fill list
      • Tap the middle area of one of the items on the right/selected side (do not hit + or minus) hit the center area)
      • This will open a full page form for single item data entry
      • Tap + ADD MORE
        • If you know the product
          • In the code field type in the code hit Enter or the check on keyboard
        • If you do NOT know the product
          • Type part of the code or description
          • Hit FIND
          • This will open the search list
          • You might need to switch between Code and DESC if you typed in part of the description instead of a code number
          • Find the item desired in the list
          • Tap it
          • This will return you to the single item entry form
      • If you would like to add this item to the future FILL list
        • Tap the 3 dots at the top of the Single Item Entry form
        • This will open a menu on the left side
        • Tap This 1 Only
        • This will add this single item into the fill list
      • To add another item follow the step above for + ADD MORE
      • To return to the Fill list, use the left or right arrows
      • When the FILL VIEW button appears near the center of the screen tap it
      • This returns you to the Fill List
    • ADJUST FILL Quantity for the future
      • If the FILL quantities on the LEFT need to be changed simply hit the +/- buttons on the Fill item on the LEFT side
  19. Tap <- Invoice
  20. To add more items to another equipment/fixture/cabinet repeat steps 7 – 20
  21. To view a Pull Sheet tap the printer icon on the top center of the screen and select Pull Sheet
  22. Hit back when done
  23. To view Distribution List tap Distribution List
  24. Tap <- Invoice
  25. When done entering items tap Totals ->
  26. This will calculate taxes and show the totals
  27. Add any bottom of the invoice discounts (by $ or %)
  28. Add any shipping/handling/other charges
  29. Make sure totals look correct
  30. Tap Complete ->
  31. Check the email address listed below the type name field to verify with customer that it is correct
    • To edit email (if enabled)
      • Tap the desired name/email to open it
      • make changes
      • DETAILS is where the Email Address is filled in
      • Make sure Auto Invoice is set appropriately
      • Save
    • To Add a new one (if enabled)
      • Tap Add
      • Fill in the name
      • DETAILS is where the Email Address is filled in
      • Make sure Auto Invoice is set appropriately
      • Save
  32. Get customer’s signature
  33. Type the customer’s name in the Type Name field (Yellow Fields are Required)
  34. Tap Accept
  35. Receive payment and fill in amount and info, or set to invoice and receive on account
  36. Tap Save
  37. Tap Done->
  38. Start next customer

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