Inventory Minimums, tax types and adjustments can be done from the server.

The changes are not made directly to the devices inventory file, but rather to the processing/log file. This way if the rep is selling the item while someone in the office is making an adjustment, the quantities don’t get overwritten but rather processed as if they were done by the rep on the device.

(If Transferring inventory between 2 trucks use transfer between trucks process.)

To make changes

  • Open Phones and Tablets
  • Open the desired device
  • Go to the Inventory Tab
  • Double click the desired Product from the list
  • The list below is the history of activities of the selected product on this truck
  • Notice the NOT PROC checkbox. If the item has NOT been processed by the handheld yet, this field will be checked.
  • Click Add New
  • Notice that the Qty and Min both say ADJUSTMENT
  • So enter the amount the quantity should be adjusted by
    • Qty Adjustment (yellow/required): Fill in the amount to increase or decrease the Qty In Truck by. In this case the Quantity above is 44, if it should be 40, then set this field to -4 (NOTE: Field can be 0 if adjustment needed such as just changing the Min Qty.)
    • Min Adjustment: The quantity by which to increase or decrease the minimum by. -4 would make the Min Quantity 40, where a 4 would make the minimum 48.
  • New Tax Type: Just fill in the value it should be. Valid options are
    • (blank): will do nothing
    • 0: Non-Taxable item for all customers on this truck’s route
    • 1: Taxable at Tax Rate 1 (normal tax rate) for all customers on this truck’s route
    • 2: Taxable at Tax Rate 2 (Low Tax) for all customers on this truck’s route
  • Notes: By default it will say Xfer (abbr for Transfer) but can be changed to anything. If looking at one created by the handheld during EOD Restock it will say Restock, or if on the Warehouse will say Replenish
  • Not Processed By HH: This will automatically check itself so that it is processed on the HH Device, and automatically remove the checkbox once it was processed by the device

Record->Save F9

Record will be saved and processed the next time the HH device synchronizes.

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