- To setup Volume Discounts Go into Products
- Search for the desired product
- Open product
- Go go the Pricing By Customer Tab (yes pricing by customer because volume discounts can be done as an whole, or for a specific customer)
- Click Add New
- This should open the Product Customer form
- In the Pricing tab, click Add New
- This will open the Product Pricing form
- This is where you define the quantity range for the volume discount.
- For example if it is for any qty > 10
- Set From Qty to 10
- In the To Qty select Infinity from the drop down
- Fill in the Price
- Record->Save & Close (F9)
- If this discount is for 10 – 19
- Set From Qty to 10
- Set To Qty to 19
- Fill in the Price
- Record->Save & New (F10)
- Repeat for additional price point breaks until final group of X to Infinity
- Record->Save & Close (F9)
- Record->Save and Close (F9)
- This will return to the Product page and after refreshing the Pricing By Customer tab an entry for customer ” default” will be displayed
This will send the volume discount rules for the product to the handheld devices
Back to Product Pricing Rules