A customer can be set to a 0-36 (blank is the same a 0) and then products can be set with Product Pricing 1-36 that all customers set for this customer code will get (unless they have a customer specific price)

This can be very useful if you have a group of customers that all have a special price list. For example a franchise that gets special price.

The overall process is to select what code to use for this group (code can be 1 to 36). Then set the price on each product with the price in that price code field. (If it is the default price, no need to fill it into their price code number, it would just add more work to maintain later). Then set the price code on the customers who get this price rule.

Here are the detailed steps

Set the Product Price

  • Determine what number you want to use. (1 to 36)

Set the Customers

  • Open Customers
  • Find the customer that needs to be set to this code
  • Open the customer
  • Fill in the Price Code
  • Record->Save
  • Repeat for each customer

Set the Product Price for specific code

  • Open Products
  • Find the product
  • Go to the Product Pricing tab
  • Look at the grid.
    • If there is an existing Row it can be edited
      • Click Edit Grid and fill price into appropriate Price column
    • If there is only a blank ‘filter’ row, then a new one needs to be added
      • click Add New
      • Fill in Price


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