Any time any piece of data is changed in Trakker, it is automatically tracked. All data changes along with the date/time, user who made the change, and the machine it was made from are stored any time the save (F9) option is clicked.

This means that if you want to see the history of an invoice being re-emailed to a customer, or think a customer address was changed and what it used to be. If you want to go back and see what a former price, average cost, description change… of a product was, you can do that…

To see this information

  1. go to the item of interest and open it
  2. Click Record->History
    • On the top is the Create Date, User and Machine, followed by the LAST Change date, User and Machine
    • GUIDs is the unique identifier of this record
    • QBID will appear on some items if it was saved to QuickBooks with and thus a cross relationship was generated between QuickBooks and Trakker
    • It opens a grid of the last 200 changed fields, this can be changed, or use the FIELD drop down to select 200 rows of changes for on one specific field
    • On the right side is the total row count of changes (up to the # of rows to show)
  3. This grid is filter and sortable
  4. Each row includes
    • Date of the change
    • Logon name of who changed it
    • The machine name the change was made on
    • The field name that was changed
    • The previous/old value (up to 255 characters)
    • The New value that replaced it (up to 255 characters)

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