- From main form go to PO Products
- Find and open the PO to receive against
- Make sure the HANDHELD is defined is the one that this inventory should be loaded to
- If no handheld is defined it will go into the ‘generic’ inventory and not be available to any Handheld Devices and is managed completely separately
- Click the Receive Products menu item
- Select Date Received, by default it will be today’s date
- Select the Ship Via (optional)
- Fill in Qty Received for each item
- If this order is mostly received as ordered with none or just a few adjustments you can use the AUTO FILL IN COMPLETED QTY and it will fill in all QtyReceived fields to match the Quantity Ordered
- Otherwise fill each row individually
- Fill in Location/BIN (Optional) where the item will be placed in the warehouse
- Only needed if this is being placed in a different then normal or previously had not location/bin defined.
- Lot Number (Optional)
- Save & Close (F9)
- These items will now be added to the Handheld defined on the PO, or if none defined, into the ‘generic’ product inventory.
- The next time that Handheld device connects to the server, the inventory will be increased by these amounts
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